What’s Happening


 —No Intercession Salad supper (cook out of town)
–Welcome Class Bible study, 7:00 PM by Zoom
–Fabulous Friends/Parsonage classes Zoom, 8:15 PM

SUNDAY June 16   
–Father’s Day Meeting for Worship-Sharing, 10:00 AM, both in person at the meetinghouse and by Zoom
–Community Food Pantry Sunday (3rd Sunday each month)
–Trustees, Missions & Social Concerns meetings postponed 
to June 23 due to Father’s Day
MONDAY June 17  
–Book Discussion Group, 7:30 PM by Zoom
CARDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT and appreciation for Carolyn Dwiggins (friend of Friends in SC), Mary Curtis (Pam Ferguson’s mother in ID), Rhonda Scofield (our Zoom pianist in KS), and several other Zoom and local Friends are on the table at the parlor entrance.  The USFW welcomes everyone to sign the cards today to let those Friends know they are in our thoughts and on our hearts this week.  Thanks!
THE WELCOME CLASS BIBLE STUDY will meet this Wednesday June 12 at 7:00 PM by Zoom to study Lesson 13 (“Contend for the Faith,” drawn from Jude 1-25) in the Illuminate quarterly.  All are welcome — request a quarterly and/or the Zoom link from the church office.
READ THROUGH THE BIBLE IN 2024:  This week’s chapters are  Ecclesiastes 1-12, Song of Songs 1-8, and I Kings 5-7.  The year’s daily reading schedule is on the parlor table.
AN OFFERING PLATE to receive contributions for Winchester Friends’ ministries is located on the table at the sanctuary parlor entrance.  Thank you for your faithful support of the Lord’s work through our church.
JUNE’s TRUSTEES and MISSIONS & SOCIAL CONCERNS committee meetings have been postponed until  Sunday June 23 to keep next Sunday free for families’ Father’s Day celebrations.
THE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP is now reading short stories by Alice Munro for discussion on Monday evening June 17 at 7:30 PM by Zoom.  Two books of her short stories are available for loan from the church — check the southwest parlor table, or contact Pam Ferguson to locate one.
THANK YOU to Karen and Norm Peters and Kendra Holliger for their work cleaning up the Compassion Garden around the parking lot this week!  The garden is getting a fallow year this summer to renew the soil and improve weed control.
PENNIES FROM HEAVEN $10 bills are available to Friends willing to carry them until led by the Spirit to share it with someone needing a bit of help and a reminder of God’s love.  See Ron Ferguson to obtain one.
PILL BOTTLE COLLECTION:  The Missions & Social Concerns Committee is collecting plastic pill containers for Matthew 25 Ministries, an Ohio agency serving overseas medical missions.  Pick up an information/instruction sheet from the west parlor table, and place donated bottles in the collection basket.
JUNE LUNCHEON:  There will be a mostly-musical meeting for worship at Winchester Friends on June 30, followed by a church potluck dinner to celebrate Father’s Day (belatedly) and Independence Day (a few days early).  Please plan to attend!
Winchester Friends Church        winchesterfriends@juno.com
124 E Washington     Winchester IN 47394     765-584-8276